CEC conducts training workshops for the updating centers supervisors
Today, the Central Elections Commission conducted a training workshop for the staff who will be supervising the updating process. The CEC will operate registry updating centers on March 28 for a period of five days.
The total number of supervisors in the workshop reached 93 from a number of West Bank districts. The training session aims at preparing supervisors to be qualified for providing training for the updating centers staff. The Commissions CEO, Mr. Hisham Kuhail opened the session by stressing the importance of updating the voters registry to serve all electoral process in accordance with the international standards.
The Training discussed several issues concerning the updating process such the as the principles of the updating process, the role of the working staff, the materials used in the centers, the registration of relatives, registration by proxy as well as the registration requirements and provided instructions on how to complete the registration form. The session stressed the importance of the updating process as a periodic procedure conducted annually to keep an accurate and up to date registry.
The updating process aims at registering Palestinians whose names aren’t included in the voters list, the youth born in 1989 or before as well as the remote registration for those who live and work in places far from their place of residence and those wishing to correct their information.