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Minutes of CEC meeting (1) 2009

January 18, 2009

Place: Ramallah headquarters and Gaza through video conference

Proceedings of Meeting

The CEC’s Chairman opened the session by welcoming attending commissioners especially Gaza Commissioners in light of the invasive Israeli invasion to Gaza in the last couple of months. The meeting addressed the following:

Approval of minutes of previous meeting.

Elections: CEC Chairman stressed the importance for the CEC to maintain full readiness for any electoral event indicating that the CEC has finalized all preparations for general elections and will soon commence local election preparations.

Work performance: the CEO briefed Commissioners on the work progress of CEC’s departments in the last period.

Financial situation: The CEC Chairman indicated that CEC’s development projects budget is provided by the donor community whereas the monthly budget covering CEC’s overhead expenses is supposed to be provided by the Palestinian Authority (PA). In 2008 and 2009 the PA approved a yearly budget of USD 2.5 million for the Commission. The Chairman stressed the importance of transferring the due installments periodically to enable a proper functioning of the Commission.


Minutes of CEC meeting (2) 2009

July 23, 2009

Place: Ramallah headquarters and Gaza through video conference

Proceedings of Meeting

CEC Chairman discussed the importance of updating the voter registry for any electoral event, indicating that due to current circumstances on the ground the CEC is unable to conduct voter registration despite the availability of fund and readiness of set plans. The Commissioners requested the Chairman to follow up this issue with the concerned bodies.

The Chairman also discussed the CEC’s financial position indicating that the designated budgetary installments are not transferred regularly to CEC. The Commissioners requested the Chairman to follow up on this matter with relevant authorities.

The Chairman explored CEC’s achievements in the first half of 2009, mainly;

• Finalizing electoral plans

• Development of the IT infrastructure

• Finalizing the demarcation of election boundaries

• Setting up of the headquarters and Gaza Regional Office

• Application of E- archiving system

• Application of the new administrative and financial system

• Completion of the election awareness in schools project

• Preparations for CEC’s strategic plan


Minutes of CEC meeting (3) 2009

October 26, 2009

Place: Ramallah/Gaza through video conference


Proceedings of Meeting

The CEC’s Secretary General opened the session by welcoming attending commissioners. The meeting discussed the Presidential decree issued on 23 October 2009 calling for Presidential and Legislative elections and CEC’s work plan for the next period. It was decided to issue a statement to clarify the Commission’s stand and call upon the staff who previously worked for the Commission in the last presidential and legislative elections.

Minutes of CEC meeting (4) 2009

October 28, 2009

Place: Ramallah/Gaza through video conference


Proceedings of Meeting

The CEC’s Secretary General opened the session called upon to discuss the progress in the electoral process. The meeting recommendations were to address a letter to the Minister of finance urging him to take measures necessary to provide the CEC with the financial cost to cover preparations for the election process as required. Also to address another letter to the Minister of Education to allow for the use of schools as registration/polling centers during registration and challenge period. Finally, to publish a statement in the local media to clarify CEC’s stance and to emphasize the importance of excluding the Commission from ongoing political controversy in light of recent statements by a key political leader.


Minutes of CEC meeting (5) 2009

November 8, 2009

Place: Ramallah/Gaza through video conference

 Proceedings of Meeting

The CEC decided to issue a press release to clarify its stance with regards to the news on the media that indicates that the CEC intends to recommend to the president the postponement of presidential and legislative elections.

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