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The CEC signs funding agreements with CSOs

The CEC signs funding agreements with CSOs

Basel Alqasem

Today, CEO Hisham Kuhail signed eleven agreements to fund micro projects with local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working in the field of democracy and human rights within the project “Supporting the Central Elections Commission” funded by the Global Program for Electoral Cycle Support (GPECS) and implemented in cooperation with the UNDP.

This activity will be implemented in two phases over the course of the next six months, during which the selected CSOs will implement projects funded by the CEC’s “electoral awareness fund” targeting women, youth, academics, and university students in the aim of enhancing election awareness and democratic practices in the Palestinian society.

The project will be implemented both in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank including Jerusalem. Upcoming trainings will focus on electoral systems, election observation and the role of media in election coverage. Among the activities will also be drama performances and multimedia productions to raise the level of political participation and awareness among Palestinians in general and women and youth in particular.

The signing ceremony was attended by the CEC’s Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Hisham Kuhail, as well as CEOs of participant organizations. On his part, Mr. Kuhail thanked UNDP for supporting such activities which contribute towards strengthening CEC’s relation with civil society and supporting CSOs role in instilling democratic practices in the local community.

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