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Statistics on the number of eligible voters, aged 18 years and above, in all centers, until 7 October 2021

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 64,292
Jenin 112,802
Tulkarem 64,583
Tubas 12,002
Nablus 111,687
Qalqilia 36,183
Salfeet 39,807
Ramallah 112,576
Jericho 9,398
Bethlehem 80,235
Hebron 58,542
Grand Total 702,107
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 33,209 51.65% 31,083 48.35% 64,292
Jenin 58,198 51.59% 54,604 48.41% 112,802
Tulkarem 32,911 50.96% 31,672 49.04% 64,583
Tubas 6,210 51.74% 5,792 48.26% 12,002
Nablus 56,792 50.85% 54,895 49.15% 111,687
Qalqilia 18,880 52.18% 17,303 47.82% 36,183
Salfeet 20,314 51.03% 19,493 48.97% 39,807
Ramallah 56,556 50.24% 56,020 49.76% 112,576
Jericho 4,706 50.07% 4,692 49.93% 9,398
Bethlehem 41,116 51.24% 39,119 48.76% 80,235
Hebron 29,457 50.32% 29,085 49.68% 58,542
Grand Total 358,349 51.04% 343,758 48.96% 702,107
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 0 8,392 13,220 15,482 12,212 7,898 7,088 64,292
Jenin 0 16,548 26,923 25,391 19,143 13,323 11,474 112,802
Tulkarem 0 7,915 15,091 14,848 10,798 8,292 7,639 64,583
Tubas 0 1,874 2,863 2,700 2,102 1,302 1,161 12,002
Nablus 0 14,869 27,083 25,721 18,757 13,769 11,488 111,687
Qalqilia 0 5,280 8,916 8,475 5,926 4,088 3,498 36,183
Salfeet 0 5,925 9,627 9,186 6,424 4,674 3,971 39,807
Ramallah 0 14,374 25,968 27,863 18,760 13,233 12,378 112,576
Jericho 0 1,286 2,208 2,335 1,607 1,130 832 9,398
Bethlehem 0 12,612 19,686 18,795 13,628 8,863 6,651 80,235
Hebron 0 8,194 15,514 14,490 9,617 5,963 4,764 58,542
Grand Total 0 97,269 167,099 165,286 118,974 82,535 70,944 702,107
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