Cabinet Decision No. (02/141/17/C./R.H) of 2017
Postponement of Elections in the Southern Governorates
Based on the powers invested in us by law, and for the sake of public interest, and after reviewing:
The amended Basic Law of 2003 and its further amendments;
Local Council Elections Law No. 10 of 2005 and its further amendments;
Local Authorities Law No. 1 of 1997 and its further amendments;
Decree issued by a law No. 1 of 2007 on General Elections,
The Cabinet’s decision No. (08/137/17/C./R.H) of 2017
The letter of the Chairman of the Central Elections Commission, dated 20/2/2017, indicating to the inability to conduct elections in the Southern Governorates.
The Cabinet, in its session held on 28/2/2017 in Bethlehem has decided the following:
Article One
Postpone the holding of Local Elections in the Southern Governorates until the circumstances are convenient, and to conduct elections in the Northern Governorates on Saturday, 13 May 2017.
Article Two
All that goes against the provisions of this decision shall be cancelled.
Article Three
All competent Authorities, each within its own jurisdiction, shall implement the provisions of this decision. The decision shall enter into force from the date of issue and shall be published in the official Gazette.
Issued in the city of Bethlehem on 28/2/2017
Rami Hamdullah
Prime Minister