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Voter Registration Update 2017

The CEC regularly conducts voter registration drives in order to maintain an up-to-date voters list. An accurate, comprehensive voters list is an essential component of a fair electoral process. Therefore, the CEC has issued a guidebook on the procedures for updating the voters list which functions as a reference manual for all registration staff. 

Statistical tables numbers registered who have attained 17 years and older in all centers (up to 8/3/2017)

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 71,819
Jenin 151,895
Tulkarem 107,284
Tubas 31,328
Nablus 195,536
Qalqilia 53,412
Salfeet 41,253
Ramallah 157,749
Jericho 23,272
Bethlehem 102,578
Hebron 288,150
North Gaza 158,998
Gaza 293,507
Deir Albalah 131,502
Khan Younis 173,376
Rafah 106,062
Grand Total 2,087,721
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 37,533 52.26% 34,286 47.74% 71,819
Jenin 78,472 51.66% 73,423 48.34% 151,895
Tulkarem 54,204 50.52% 53,080 49.48% 107,284
Tubas 15,675 50.04% 15,653 49.96% 31,328
Nablus 99,411 50.84% 96,125 49.16% 195,536
Qalqilia 27,664 51.79% 25,748 48.21% 53,412
Salfeet 20,969 50.83% 20,284 49.17% 41,253
Ramallah 79,188 50.20% 78,561 49.80% 157,749
Jericho 11,608 49.88% 11,664 50.12% 23,272
Bethlehem 52,201 50.89% 50,377 49.11% 102,578
Hebron 146,308 50.77% 141,842 49.23% 288,150
North Gaza 81,621 51.33% 77,377 48.67% 158,998
Gaza 152,425 51.93% 141,082 48.07% 293,507
Deir Albalah 66,317 50.43% 65,185 49.57% 131,502
Khan Younis 89,185 51.44% 84,191 48.56% 173,376
Rafah 53,483 50.43% 52,579 49.57% 106,062
Grand Total 1,066,264 51.07% 1,021,457 48.93% 2,087,721
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 1,845 7,917 15,062 18,341 13,139 8,201 7,314 71,819
Jenin 4,310 21,419 33,972 33,782 26,275 17,626 14,511 151,895
Tulkarem 2,666 14,962 24,048 23,557 17,675 13,438 10,938 107,284
Tubas 754 4,639 7,063 7,060 5,440 3,368 3,004 31,328
Nablus 5,429 26,863 44,163 41,957 34,141 23,513 19,470 195,536
Qalqilia 1,408 7,890 12,838 12,032 8,612 5,907 4,725 53,412
Salfeet 1,184 6,223 9,976 8,853 6,635 4,585 3,797 41,253
Ramallah 3,832 20,680 34,550 36,642 26,142 18,607 17,296 157,749
Jericho 517 2,899 4,996 5,561 4,404 2,841 2,054 23,272
Bethlehem 2,748 14,264 22,692 23,000 17,697 11,794 10,383 102,578
Hebron 7,327 42,490 69,504 69,290 47,482 29,155 22,902 288,150
North Gaza 858 28,522 42,523 36,499 23,700 15,121 11,775 158,998
Gaza 1,162 49,486 73,736 69,119 45,120 29,652 25,232 293,507
Deir Albalah 757 22,629 33,811 29,654 19,682 13,266 11,703 131,502
Khan Younis 2,113 28,792 44,579 40,290 25,454 16,474 15,674 173,376
Rafah 640 17,850 27,234 24,122 16,183 10,915 9,118 106,062
Grand Total 37,550 317,525 500,747 479,759 337,781 224,463 189,896 2,087,721
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