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The CEC Announces the Opening of Registration Centers in Seventeen Localities for the Upcoming Re-run Local Elections

Basel Alqasem

The Central Elections Commission (CEC) announced today the commencement of the first phase of the 2019 re-run local council elections scheduled on 13 July 2019 in 17 localities in the West Bank.

In a press release published today, the CEC announced the opening of 28 voter registration, exhibition and challenge centers for 5 days. Unregistered voters may register during this period and object to the registration of voters who are deemed ineligible registrants according to law. Registration is also open through CEC’s website.

According to law, any citizen, holder of a Palestinian identification card, who is 17 years and above and legally eligible may request to be registered in the voters’ list in the registration centers affiliated to the locality of his residence.

It should be indicated that exhibition and challenge is the first phase of elections in order to have an accurate and up-to-date voters’ list. By the end of the five-day period, registration of voters’ ends and the final voters’ list is published. 

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