CEC Exhibits the Preliminary Register of Nominated Electoral Lists for the 2021 Local Elections
The Central Elections Commissions (CEC) announced today; Sunday, the exhibition of the preliminary register of Nominated Electoral Lists, which includes 765 electoral lists nominated for 329 localities out of 376 coinciding with the first phase of the Local Elections where polling is scheduled on 11/12/2021.
The CEC accepted 765 electoral lists that submitted their nomination applications, including 488 independent lists and 277 from political parties (As in representing a political faction or political coalition). The number of candidates nominated for all electoral lists reached 6299, including 1599 women (accounting for 25.4% of all candidates).
The demographic of candidates according to age group is as follows: 46.9% for ages )25-40(, and 28.8% for ages )41-50(, and 27.3% for candidates ages 50+.
It is worthy of noting that only one electoral list was nominated in 162 localities while in 47 localities; no electoral lists were nominated. In 2 other localities, 1 electoral list each was nominated where the number of candidates in that list was lower than that of the locality’s council seat number. In 165 other localities, more than one electoral list was nominated.
The CEC stated, that citizens can view the registered electoral lists and their candidates through the CEC’s official website: www.elections.ps, or through its district offices, and through the headquarters of local councils.
The CEC affirmed that each voter, list, or candidate has the right to submit a challenge regarding any list or candidate who has violated the nomination conditions during the period between 7-9/11/2021. Objections must be accompanied by supporting documents, and must be submitted at the CEC electoral district offices using the CEC’s official form, available at its offices and website.
The CEC will review objections and complaints within a maximum period of three days (from 9/11/2021 to 11/11/2021), issue its official decision in writing, and notify the objectant and objectee. Decisions may be appealed before the Elections Court within three days from the date of notification, and the Court shall adjudicate the submitted appeals within a maximum of five days and its ruling shall be final and irrefutable.