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787 Thousand Eligible voters in the (Second Phase) of the Local Elections

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Following after the updating of the Voter’s Registry during the Registration, Exhibition and Challenge period, which happened last January; The CEC published today; Sunday, the data for the final voter’s registry for the (Second Phase) of the local Elections.

The CEC clarified in a press statement, that the number of registered voters reached 2.61 Million Citizens. 787 thousand of them are eligible to vote during the (Second phase) of the Local Election. 7300 of these voters are persons with disabilities.

The percentage of eligible males to vote during this phase is 51%, while it is 49% for females. The number of eligible voters for the age group (18-22 years old) reached more than 114 thousand voters. While it reached more than 360 thousand for the age group (23-40 years old), around 227 thousand voters for the age group (41-60) years old, and above 84 thousand for those older than 60 years old.

The CEC published on its website: comprehensive data and statistics about the final voter’s registry and the distribution of this data to all districts. Accredited Political parties and factions received copies of the final voter’s registry. The CEC will also give other copies to electoral lists whose nomination will be accepted.

The CEC intensified its efforts to explain the conditions and procedures of the Nomination process to Political parties and interested citizens during its educational outreach campaign. The latter launched a few days ago, and will last all throughout the nomination period. The campaign includes holding various workshops and meetings all around the West Bank where precautionary health protocols will be applied. In addition to implementing a visual, auditory and readable campaign to raise awareness all throughout different media and social media outlets. It will include motivational messages for citizens to encourage their participation in the electoral process.  Especially for youth, women, and Persons with disabilities. In addition to answering questions and inquiries that are received through the toll free number (1800300400).

It is worthy of mentioning that Nomination applications for the (Second Phase) of the Local Elections can be received next Tuesday morning (8/2/2022) up to Thursday evening (17/2/2022). Knowing that the (Second Phase) of the Elections will happen in 102 localities in the West Bank, where polling day is scheduled on Saturday 26/3/2022.

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