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The CEC announces the commencement of Nomination for the 2021 Local Elections

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The CEC announced the commencement of Nomination for the first phase of the 2021 Local Elections, as of today until Thursday evening 14/11/2021.

In a press statement, the CEC confirmed that Nomination happens through electoral lists. Political parties and coalitions have the right to form electoral lists for the candidacy of local councils in their localities. The formed Electoral lists must adhere to the Local Council Elections Law No 10 for 2005 and its amendments. Based upon which, the 2012 and 2017 Local Elections were held. 

The CEC clarified that citizens can acquire Electoral lists’ Nomination applications from the CEC’s headquarters and district offices in the West Bank or through its website: Completed applications should be submitted through the representative of the electoral list with enclosures to any of CEC district offices to which the locality is affiliated.


Final Voter’s Registry
The CEC announced the publication of the final voter’s registry. The number of eligible voters for the first phase of the local elections is 702,000 citizens. 

According to the final voter’s registry; 51% of eligible registered voters are males (358,349 Voters), while the percentage of eligible registered females is 49% (343,758 Voters). The (18-22 years old) age group reached more than 97,000 Voters, the (23-40 years old) age group reached more than 332,000 voters, the (41-60 years old) age group reached around 201,000 voters, and those with 60 years of age or more reached around 71,000 voters. 

The CEC published statistics on its final voter’s registry through its website: and handed a copy of it to the accredited Political parties and factions.  In addition, the CEC will hand copies of the registry after the end of the Nomination phase to the accredited Electoral lists in the 2021 Local Elections. 

It should be indicated that polling for the first phase of the 2021 local elections will be on the 11th of December 2021. The Elections will take place in 376 localities in the West Bank, comprising of all classified as “C” municipalities and village councils.

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