The CEC Meets with Fayyad, Political Parties and Factions to Discuss Local Elections
Ramallah, 10 February 2010 - The Chairman of the Central Elections Commission (CEC), Dr. Hanna Nasir, and Secretary General, Dr. Rami Hamdallah, met today with the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Salam Fayyad, to discuss the decision to hold local elections on 17 July. The CEC informed Prime Minister Fayyad of its preparedness to deal with the cabinet’s decision according to the law and stressed the role of the Palestinian government in creating a free and fair atmosphere to encourage the participation of all political parties, factions and the public in the electoral process.
Dr. Fayyad confirmed that the government is keen to provide the appropriate conditions to carry out free elections and to mobilize all of its resources to ensure the success of the electoral process.
The CEC also met today with the secretaries general and representatives of political parties and factions to stress the CEC’s commitment to a successful electoral process, and stated its adherence to the principles of integrity and free participation for everyone.

On their part, the parties and factions welcomed the call for local elections and considered it a public demand which caters to the needs of the local communities. They confirmed that they are fully willing to cooperate with the Commission through all phases of the electoral process.
It should be noted that no representatives of the Hamas movement attended the meeting, despite an invitation from the CEC.