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CEC Addresses the Cabinet and Official Media to Ensure Neutrality of State Institutions

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The Central Elections Commission (CEC) Chairman, Hanna Nasir, addressed a letter to His Excellency, Prime Minister Mohammad Ishtayeh, today to emphasize the importance of Palestinian state institutions remaining neutral throughout all stages of the electoral process.

In his letter to the Prime Minister, Chairman Nasir expressed his hope that all institutions of the Executive Authority, including its heads and officials, will remain neutral and refrain from conducting any electoral or campaigning activity that may be construed as supporting any candidate or list over another in accordance with Article (61) of the Decree Law No. (1) of 2007 concerning the general elections and its amendments. 

The CEC Chairman addressed a second letter to the General Supervisor of the Official Media, Minister Ahmad Assaf, emphasizing the importance of official media institutions (Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation - PBC, Al-Hayat al-Jadida Newspaper, and The Palestinian News and Info Agency - WAFA) upholding the provisions the Elections Law. Such institutions must refrain from conducting any activity that may construed as promoting any electoral list at the expense of another in compliance with the Elections Law and the MoU signed between the CEC and Official Media on February 8th.

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