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Statistics on the preliminary register of electoral lists and candidates

Statistics on the preliminary register of electoral lists and candidates

Basel Alqasem

The CEC released today statistics on the preliminary register of electoral lists and candidates classified according to age, gender and political affiliation.

As the preliminary nomination data demonstrate, the number of partisan electoral lists; i.e. lists registered as political parties or coalition of parties, represented 41.6% of the total candidate lists, whereas independent lists which are not affiliated to any political party represented 58.4% of the total lists.

The percentage of female candidates in the lists reached 26% of the total number of electoral lists candidates. Two electoral lists had only female candidates, and eight lists were headed by female candidates.

Young candidates aged 25-35 accounted for the majority of candidates in the lists representing 31% of the total number candidates. Candidates aged 36-45 constituted 27%, and those aged 46-55 represented 26% whereas 16% of candidates were above the age of 55.

It should be indicated that Hebron district topped the list in terms of youth candidates. The percentage of candidates under the age of 36 reached 38% of the total number of candidates in the district. Jericho, on the other hand, recorded the lowest percentage in candidates from the same age group with only 28%.

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