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A press release Issued by the CEC

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The CECzzz*zs responsibilities include the updating of the voters list periodically and at least once a year in order to maintain an accurate and comprehensive voters register. The latest registry update process was conducted during the period of 13-17/11/2005.

In all previous registration drives, registration was conducted mainly in cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education which provided the public schools necessary for the registration process as part of the Statezzz*zs duty to facilitate and support the CECzzz*zs work. The CEC also worked in cooperation with private and UNRWA schools.

As part of this yearzzz*zs plan to update the voterszzz*z list, the CEC addressed several letters to the Ministry of Higher education to obtain their approval on using the schools premises as usual. The only response the CEC got was a request to delay the updating process until the new National unity Government is formed

The CEC is an independent body that operates according to law. The work of  the CEC , especially what is considered routine and periodic such as the update of the voters list  should not be associated with any  political issues. To that end, the CEC decided to commence the registration process over a period of five successive days starting March 28th until April 1st, 2007. The registration will be conducted in alternative centers which will be published later on in the local newspapers. The CEC will be ready to return back to the original plan and registration centers if the Ministry of Higher Education decided to provide the CEC with the Public schools in the appropriate time.
The CEC is currently making the necessary arrangements for receiving the new registrants or voters who wish to correct their information in the alterative centers.

The CEC is also preparing to conduct a voters education campaign commencing 23rd of March and until the first of April. The campaign will include the broadcast of TV and Radio spots and publishing of adds in local media outlets to encourage voters to participate in this process. The CEC will also conduct field campaigns in all population centers to distribute more than half a million voterszzz*z education brochure on the voters list update process.

The CEC appeals to all Palestinians who haven’t registered before to register during this campaign to be able to take part in the democratic and political process in Palestine.


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