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The Official Media commences the broadcasting of Free Electoral Campaigning for Nominated Electoral List

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Central Elections Commission announced the commencement of publishing free electoral campaigning material for nominated electoral lists for the (Second Phase) of the Local Elections; through the official media, and in cooperation with PBC (The Palestinian Broadcasting Corporation), as stipulated by the law.

The CEC indicated in a press statement, that it previously called for all nominated electoral lists to submit campaigning material according to specific standards and equal time limits, to be broadcasted through the official media. 61 electoral lists submitted visual material that met the required standards and criteria, while 14 other lists submitted radio material for broadcasting.

The CEC revised all submitted content and ensured it met all specifications and the provisions of electoral campaigning. The CEC also coordinated with the PBC to publish two bundles of visual material;

1) Wednesday and Thursday of this week at 4:00 pm in the afternoon on Palestine TV.

2) Tuesday and Wednesday of next week at 11:00 pm in the evening on Palestine Live TV. 

Radio campaigning material will be broadcasted through Voice of Palestine radio station on the following days: Thursday 17/03, Monday 21/03, and Thursday 24/03/2022 at 12:00 at noon.

It is worthy of mentioning that the Local Council Elections law stipulates that: Official media outlets shall allow equal and appropriate opportunities for all electoral lists. 

It also stipulates that; The Executive Authority and its various institutions; including the official media, shall pledge to take a neutral position towards all phases of the electoral process.


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