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Political Parties sign the 2021 Local Elections Code of Conduct

Monday, October 25, 2021

Palestinian political parties and factions signed today; Monday, under the supervision of the CEC, the Code of Conduct for the upcoming 2021 Local Elections. Where they adhere to providing a safe and transparent environment for all phases of the Local Elections. 

Chairman, Dr. Hanna Nasir, welcomed the representatives of Palestinian Political Parties, as well as attending Secretaries General. Emphasizing the importance of this Code of Conduct as a document stemming out of the Elections Law, where signatories pledge to: respect and abide by, as well as observe the actions of the Electoral lists and candidates belonging to their factions. Which contributes to preserving the integrity of the Elections. 

The approved Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of respecting the freedom of opinion and the results of the Elections and abiding by the Palestinian Elections law and the CEC’s decisions regarding the Electoral process.  In addition to respecting and cooperating with Local and International observers in doing their roles. 

The Code also calls for refraining from any form of libel, defamation, insult, igniting or exploiting religious, sectarian, tribal, familial or racist sentiments among citizens. Candidates are bound to refrain from subjecting others’ election campaigns to physical acts such as sabotaging, tearing or sticking pictures and slogans over others’ pictures and slogans.
The parties are also bound to refrain from practicing any form of pressure, intimidation, treachery, accusations of religious disbelief or violence against any list or candidate, and not to carry any arms or use them during public meetings, marches and other election activities.

Political parties are also obliged not to use the official  logos of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, the State of Palestine or other similar slogans during meetings, advertisements, electoral statements or in any other writings, drawings and pictures that are used in election campaigning. They should also refrain from obtaining electoral campaigning funding from any foreign, external or non-Palestinian sources whether directly or indirectly, as well as any funds from the State’s treasury to cover their campaigning expenditure.


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