The Central Elections Commission (CEC) met yesterday with Hamas leadership in Gaza to brief them on the results of the CEC’s last meeting with president Mahmoud Abbas last Sunday. During the meeting, CEC Chairman, Dr. Hanna Nasir indicated to the political willpower shown by the president to hold general elections (legislative and presidential) and his eagerness for it to succeed which is the same eagerness expressed by Hamas movement and the rest of political factions.
Dr. Nasir also referred to the letter the CEC received yesterday which was addressed to CEC Chairman, the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s executive committee, and the political Office of Hamas, which addresses his vision to hold general elections in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip to consolidate democratic life and end division on the basis of respect of elections results and moving forward towards full national partnership as well as his willingness to hold a dialogue with factions after issuing a presidential decree on elections.
Dr. Nasir also met with representatives of factions in the Strip, in the presence of Hamas, and informed them of the president's readiness to hold a dialogue between the factions after the issuance of presidential decree on the general elections, instead of holding this dialogue prior to the issuance of the decree as requested by the Palestinian factions.
In this respect, Dr. Nasir stressed the importance of building on the progress achieved so far with regards to elections and exerting efforts to overcome any challenges to ensure elections are held on the basis of broad participation in accordance with international standards of integrity, transparency and freedom. Dr. Nasir also stressed on CEC’s constant readiness to contribute in maintaining a positive atmosphere that stimulates achieving elections.
It should be indicated that the CEC has, last week, held several consultation meetings with national factions and managed to achieve a tangible progress with regards to the achieved understandings, key of which are the consensus on holding general elections in accordance with a presidential decree which sets the dates for the two legislative and presidential elections, and the agreement of parties to participate in elections as a way to end decision and achieve a national unity between the WB and GS.