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The CEC completes the registration, exhibition and challenge process

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The CEC has completed the process of registration, exhibition and challenge.  This process, which began April 9th and ended today, was the final opportunity for citizens who had not yet registered to do so.  Furthermore, registered voters were able to review the preliminary voters list in order to verify the accuracy of their personal details, and to challenge the registration of any listed persons whom they believed to be ineligible to vote.  Consequently, the CEC received a number of challenge applications and addressed each case  according to the law.

Following the process of Exhibition and Challenge, the CEC processes the challenges applications submitted to the preliminary voters list.  Should an objection be filed against any decision of the CEC , a specialized court will be convened.  When all such matters have been settled, the CEC will prepare the final voters list, which will be published prior to the beginning of the nomination process.  The finalization of the voters list is essential for the subsequent processes of nomination and voting. Citizens who are not registered will neither be able to run for election nor to vote.  As soon as the final voters list is issued, the CEC will provide copies to political parties and electoral lists.

Currently, the CEC is preparing for the nomination period, which will take place between May 25th and June 3rd.  The CEC is organizing a number of workshops which will familiarize citizens, political parties and media representatives with the conditions for nomination and the procedures for forming electoral lists.  This comes in preparation for the local elections, scheduled to be held on July 9th.


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