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Registration campaign ends with 1.3 million names on voters list

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Voter registration centers in Palestine's 16 electoral districts closed at 5 PM on Friday, May 27th, ending a 3-week voter registration campaign.

With the newly registered citizens added to the existing voters' list the number of registered eligible voters now stands at 1.3 million. This figure, however, does not include eligible voters in the city of Jerusalem where Israeli authorities had shut down voter registration centers. The number of eligible voters in Jerusalem is estimated at 100,000.

During the registration campaign, which began on May 7th, the CEC operated more than 1000 registration centers staffed by over 2000 supervisors and employees.

The CEC had also taken additional measures to facilitate registration by allowing registration by proxy, for 1st degree relatives, and registration through power of attorney for eligible voters currently abroad. Mobile registration centers were also established to target heavy foot traffic locations.

The campaign aimed not only to register the maximum number of eligible voters but to also allow already registered voters to change their polling location.

An extensive public education plan was also implemented throughout the campaign which utilized a variety of communication tools including newspaper ads, radio and TV spots, posters, billboards and door to door distribution of fliers.

The CEC commends the PLC's recent decision to annul the civil registry which will contribute to ensuring that the upcoming elections will be conducted in a fair, free and transparent manner.

For further information:

Call the CEC media office on: ++ (972) 22969700, email on [email protected] or visit our website on www.elections


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