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Statistical tables numbers registered who have attained 17 years and older in all centers (up to 19/3/2019)

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 75,401
Jenin 159,912
Tulkarem 112,130
Tubas 32,818
Nablus 206,181
Qalqilia 56,456
Salfeet 43,232
Ramallah 165,568
Jericho 24,414
Bethlehem 107,874
Hebron 303,815
North Gaza 168,135
Gaza 311,917
Deir Albalah 139,322
Khan Younis 183,215
Rafah 112,348
Grand Total 2,202,738
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 38,894 51.58% 36,507 48.42% 75,401
Jenin 81,766 51.13% 78,146 48.87% 159,912
Tulkarem 56,262 50.18% 55,868 49.82% 112,130
Tubas 16,269 49.57% 16,549 50.43% 32,818
Nablus 103,823 50.36% 102,358 49.64% 206,181
Qalqilia 28,895 51.18% 27,561 48.82% 56,456
Salfeet 21,816 50.46% 21,416 49.54% 43,232
Ramallah 82,369 49.75% 83,199 50.25% 165,568
Jericho 12,015 49.21% 12,399 50.79% 24,414
Bethlehem 54,334 50.37% 53,540 49.63% 107,874
Hebron 151,905 50.00% 151,910 50.00% 303,815
North Gaza 85,800 51.03% 82,335 48.97% 168,135
Gaza 160,643 51.50% 151,274 48.50% 311,917
Deir Albalah 69,778 50.08% 69,544 49.92% 139,322
Khan Younis 93,617 51.10% 89,598 48.90% 183,215
Rafah 56,169 50.00% 56,179 50.00% 112,348
Grand Total 1,114,355 50.59% 1,088,383 49.41% 2,202,738
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 1,864 8,990 13,827 19,279 14,271 8,967 8,203 75,401
Jenin 4,042 22,838 34,186 35,410 28,019 19,431 15,986 159,912
Tulkarem 2,542 14,703 24,770 24,797 18,643 14,592 12,083 112,130
Tubas 748 4,570 7,287 7,356 5,806 3,756 3,295 32,818
Nablus 5,781 28,607 44,423 44,348 35,428 26,181 21,413 206,181
Qalqilia 1,576 8,069 13,082 12,855 9,107 6,457 5,310 56,456
Salfeet 1,071 6,139 10,257 9,555 6,945 5,051 4,214 43,232
Ramallah 4,108 21,535 33,934 38,906 27,890 20,168 19,027 165,568
Jericho 606 3,078 4,859 5,757 4,698 3,079 2,337 24,414
Bethlehem 2,502 15,488 22,554 24,225 18,665 12,866 11,574 107,874
Hebron 7,442 43,875 68,830 74,240 51,483 32,299 25,646 303,815
North Gaza 4,561 22,784 45,002 40,528 25,228 17,228 12,804 168,135
Gaza 9,079 40,829 77,717 75,506 48,446 32,783 27,557 311,917
Deir Albalah 4,072 18,859 35,583 32,459 20,826 14,984 12,539 139,322
Khan Younis 5,200 24,616 46,888 43,880 27,566 18,117 16,948 183,215
Rafah 3,059 14,670 29,004 26,423 17,287 12,066 9,839 112,348
Grand Total 58,253 299,650 512,203 515,524 360,308 248,025 208,775 2,202,738
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