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Statistics on the number of voters who turned 18 years or above on elections day of 13 May 2017

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 66,534
Jenin 143,733
Tulkarem 95,445
Tubas 27,805
Nablus 175,207
Qalqilia 52,250
Salfeet 40,264
Ramallah 147,448
Jericho 18,816
Bethlehem 93,317
Hebron 273,817
Grand Total 1,134,636
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 34,878 52.42% 31,656 47.58% 66,534
Jenin 74,609 51.91% 69,124 48.09% 143,733
Tulkarem 48,266 50.57% 47,179 49.43% 95,445
Tubas 13,931 50.10% 13,874 49.90% 27,805
Nablus 89,252 50.94% 85,955 49.06% 175,207
Qalqilia 27,076 51.82% 25,174 48.18% 52,250
Salfeet 20,496 50.90% 19,768 49.10% 40,264
Ramallah 74,334 50.41% 73,114 49.59% 147,448
Jericho 9,472 50.34% 9,344 49.66% 18,816
Bethlehem 47,716 51.13% 45,601 48.87% 93,317
Hebron 139,838 51.07% 133,979 48.93% 273,817
Grand Total 579,868 51.11% 554,768 48.89% 1,134,636
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 0 7,632 14,162 17,368 12,448 7,875 7,049 66,534
Jenin 0 21,094 32,896 32,885 25,440 17,223 14,195 143,733
Tulkarem 0 14,024 21,950 21,384 15,691 12,230 10,166 95,445
Tubas 0 4,145 6,461 6,466 4,917 3,048 2,768 27,805
Nablus 0 25,627 40,690 38,208 30,828 21,695 18,159 175,207
Qalqilia 0 7,940 12,789 12,086 8,677 5,964 4,794 52,250
Salfeet 0 6,214 9,978 8,926 6,621 4,664 3,861 40,264
Ramallah 0 20,057 32,881 35,085 24,794 17,859 16,772 147,448
Jericho 0 2,468 3,973 4,622 3,622 2,393 1,738 18,816
Bethlehem 0 13,508 20,990 21,538 16,318 11,083 9,880 93,317
Hebron 0 41,310 66,979 68,085 46,277 28,582 22,584 273,817
Grand Total 0 164,019 263,749 266,653 195,633 132,616 111,966 1,134,636
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