
تحديث سجل الناخبين 2011: الجداول الإحصائية لأعداد المسجلين حتى تاريخ 13/4/2011

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 60,640
Jenin 126,834
Tulkarem 89,835
Tubas 25,515
Nablus 164,273
Qalqilia 43,449
Salfeet 33,817
Ramallah 131,501
Jericho 19,669
Bethlehem 85,808
Hebron 235,118
North Gaza 101,891
Gaza 179,128
Deir Albalah 82,698
Khan Younis 108,659
Rafah 68,531
Grand Total 1,557,366
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 32,390 53.41% 28,250 46.59% 60,640
Jenin 66,915 52.76% 59,919 47.24% 126,834
Tulkarem 45,866 51.06% 43,969 48.94% 89,835
Tubas 12,975 50.85% 12,540 49.15% 25,515
Nablus 85,213 51.87% 79,060 48.13% 164,273
Qalqilia 22,867 52.63% 20,582 47.37% 43,449
Salfeet 17,349 51.30% 16,468 48.70% 33,817
Ramallah 67,622 51.42% 63,879 48.58% 131,501
Jericho 10,150 51.60% 9,519 48.40% 19,669
Bethlehem 44,734 52.13% 41,074 47.87% 85,808
Hebron 122,934 52.29% 112,184 47.71% 235,118
North Gaza 52,323 51.35% 49,568 48.65% 101,891
Gaza 95,657 53.40% 83,471 46.60% 179,128
Deir Albalah 42,448 51.33% 40,250 48.67% 82,698
Khan Younis 56,728 52.21% 51,931 47.79% 108,659
Rafah 35,006 51.08% 33,525 48.92% 68,531
Grand Total 811,177 52.09% 746,189 47.91% 1,557,366
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 1,542 7,766 15,380 15,026 10,717 5,691 5,256 60,640
Jenin 4,015 19,933 28,866 28,978 23,304 11,731 11,613 126,834
Tulkarem 2,674 13,804 20,160 19,519 17,054 9,094 8,791 89,835
Tubas 810 3,963 5,864 5,992 4,492 2,338 2,380 25,515
Nablus 5,427 26,360 36,229 36,373 31,063 15,510 15,468 164,273
Qalqilia 1,448 7,397 10,379 9,577 7,536 4,098 3,554 43,449
Salfeet 1,059 5,963 7,792 7,304 5,924 3,162 3,044 33,817
Ramallah 3,846 18,978 31,424 29,011 23,365 13,175 13,356 131,501
Jericho 528 2,726 4,584 4,867 3,774 1,817 1,622 19,669
Bethlehem 2,785 13,154 19,736 19,406 15,479 7,972 8,262 85,808
Hebron 8,249 38,216 60,142 54,826 39,299 19,502 17,360 235,118
North Gaza 0 3,977 32,494 27,250 19,854 10,310 9,360 101,891
Gaza 2 4,648 55,555 47,923 35,028 20,372 18,075 179,128
Deir Albalah 0 3,503 24,427 21,275 16,456 9,305 8,907 82,698
Khan Younis 0 4,520 33,425 28,197 20,282 12,160 11,463 108,659
Rafah 0 2,915 20,374 17,705 13,615 7,568 7,252 68,531
Grand Total 32,385 177,823 406,831 373,229 287,242 153,805 145,763 1,557,366
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