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Voter registry update 2012 (up to 9/8/2012)

  • Number OF Registrant Per Nationwide
  • Per Gender
  • Per Age
Electoral District Number Of Registrants
Jerusalem 61,021
Jenin 127,978
Tulkarem 91,231
Tubas 25,793
Nablus 165,062
Qalqilia 43,887
Salfeet 34,245
Ramallah 132,275
Jericho 19,699
Bethlehem 86,603
Hebron 237,165
North Gaza 101,886
Gaza 179,108
Deir Albalah 82,694
Khan Younis 108,655
Rafah 68,530
Grand Total 1,565,832
Electoral District Number Of Males Total Males Percentage Number of Females Total Females Percentage Total Registrants
Jerusalem 32,599 53.42% 28,422 46.58% 61,021
Jenin 67,583 52.81% 60,395 47.19% 127,978
Tulkarem 46,553 51.03% 44,678 48.97% 91,231
Tubas 13,142 50.95% 12,651 49.05% 25,793
Nablus 85,674 51.90% 79,388 48.10% 165,062
Qalqilia 23,126 52.69% 20,761 47.31% 43,887
Salfeet 17,637 51.50% 16,608 48.50% 34,245
Ramallah 68,046 51.44% 64,229 48.56% 132,275
Jericho 10,154 51.55% 9,545 48.45% 19,699
Bethlehem 45,196 52.19% 41,407 47.81% 86,603
Hebron 123,973 52.27% 113,192 47.73% 237,165
North Gaza 52,319 51.35% 49,567 48.65% 101,886
Gaza 95,641 53.40% 83,467 46.60% 179,108
Deir Albalah 42,446 51.33% 40,248 48.67% 82,694
Khan Younis 56,725 52.21% 51,930 47.79% 108,655
Rafah 35,005 51.08% 33,525 48.92% 68,530
Grand Total 815,819 52.10% 750,013 47.90% 1,565,832
Electoral District Less Than 18 between18 and 22 between 23 and 30 between 31 and 40 between 41 and 50 between 51 and 60 More than 60 Total
Jerusalem 241 7,276 15,454 15,653 10,609 6,184 5,604 61,021
Jenin 925 20,399 29,167 29,774 22,733 12,788 12,192 127,978
Tulkarem 1,158 13,964 20,413 20,332 16,143 10,031 9,190 91,231
Tubas 131 4,069 5,946 6,149 4,517 2,501 2,480 25,793
Nablus 871 26,416 36,953 37,492 30,211 16,909 16,210 165,062
Qalqilia 336 7,425 10,561 10,027 7,317 4,464 3,757 43,887
Salfeet 337 5,790 8,214 7,556 5,768 3,450 3,130 34,245
Ramallah 662 18,849 31,452 30,310 22,699 14,230 14,073 132,275
Jericho 94 2,629 4,590 4,936 3,743 2,001 1,706 19,699
Bethlehem 545 13,263 20,146 19,968 15,414 8,621 8,646 86,603
Hebron 1,460 38,706 60,878 57,127 39,381 21,276 18,337 237,165
North Gaza 0 737 31,476 28,702 19,620 11,157 10,194 101,886
Gaza 0 951 51,734 50,593 34,234 21,569 20,027 179,108
Deir Albalah 0 865 23,755 22,407 16,078 9,802 9,787 82,694
Khan Younis 0 1,153 32,234 29,910 19,979 12,779 12,600 108,655
Rafah 0 681 19,789 18,694 13,392 8,076 7,898 68,530
Grand Total 6,760 163,173 402,762 389,630 281,838 165,838 155,831 1,565,832
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